Monday, March 3, 2014

The Other World....woooooohhh (*ghostly sound effects)

Wow! I actually made it to post 2. (Author pats herself on the back, nearly twisting her stiff arm :P)

Ok, that's being too melodramatic :) but my close friends who knows me, know I have many ideas but hardly follow thru on them. The only time I really do follow thru with my ideas is during my day job at Company I (It who shall not be named for now).That's probably because I'm paid to do it, and when it's your own life and no one is paying you anything, it's a little harder to follow through on your grand plans, don't you think?

Well, some folks asked me about my latest interest which is metaphysics. Why metaphysics?

According to Wikipedia, metaphysics is termed as:

"...a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it, although the term is not easily defined"

Wikipedia also states that

"A person who studies metaphysics is called a metaphysicist [4] or a metaphysician.[5] The metaphysician attempts to clarify the fundamental notions by which people understand the world, e.g., existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect, and possibility."

In plain english, I believe that metaphysics is the so called 'other world' which explains how human beings, animals, plants, objects coexist via a form of pure energy.

Ok, I think I lost you there. I can just imagine your blank looks :) Wikipedia explained it better I think :P

My first glimpse of metaphysics was probably the game 'Spirit of the Coin' way back when I was 12 years old.

I'm not sure if this really does fall under the category 'metaphysics', but there was certainly the element of mystery in it. I can still remember young children hunched over a scribbled paper and fingers moved as if guided by an invisible hand. But I'm not recommending anyone to try it (although interestingly someone posted a wiki-how page).

The area under metaphysics is really a combination of mystery, the unknown, a thrill factor and also unnecessary fear (e.g like the game spirit of the coin). When I first began my studies in metaphysics, my mother was very worried about what I was getting myself into, particularly on tarot reading. Her fear is also mirrored across a few well-meaning friends who may see some tools or practices of metaphysics as a 'cult' practice.

Having began my studies since May 2013, if anything I feel that my life has gotten better, and close family and friends have also noted that I've changed. And (touch wood!) I haven't had lightning strike me down and a deep voice proclaiming ' Ye shall not be allowed to practice BaZi or Tarot!'.

Jokes aside, this blog post is really my simple and steady approach to help educate my future and current clients on what metaphysics is about (No, I won't say at what age you will die...who wants to know that?:P). Also, to help educate anyone reading this blog that it is not mumbo-jumbo stuff and actually has helped people to live a better life. Hmm, although the ability to predict 4D numbers would be helpful (kidding!).

Also, hopefully, through my blog posts folks can see me as a normal human being and not a gypsy lady with a crystal ball (although my husband is still pestering me to take on the name Madame Zimza)

Now, back to the topic at hand.

More current examples of metaphysics world would be 'Law of attraction' which most folks may associate with positive thinking. The Secret (by Rhonda Bryne) talks about a corresponding frequency that is sent out into the universe that attracts back to us events and circumstances on that same frequency. This has proven to be very popular although I can see heads nodding going 'Yup, heard about it, tried it, don't believe it, nope!'.

The field i'm currently studying is BaZi (or four pillars of destiny) and Tarot Reading.

Originally, I studied BaZi to understand myself better (For some reason, I was quick to judge others - yup, that person is going to be tough to talk to, best to avoid- but found it harder to judge myself - er, who am I?). I paid a hefty fee for the class despite having holes in my pockets but felt it was about time I try it. Mind you, this is not the first time I've signed up for courses to understand myself or 'program' myself to who I want to be, but for some reason, I had  $XXXX amount to spare (which could have been used for a holiday I think) and voila! I swipe my credit card with gusto - and tried to ask for freebies with no luck :(

I had a great teacher in my first class (who incidentally read my first blog post *sweating*) and I began peeling the 'onion' layer about myself. I love themes and theories, and the first one we were taught was on the five elements. Although, the first thought that came to my mind was the cartoon Captain Planet....remember the theme song? Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Hearrtttt! Go Planet! Let your powers combine, I'm Captain Planet! Pretty catchy, check it out here.

Er, where was I? Ah yes, the five elements. Did you know that each of us have a main element? Oooohhh, the 'other world' will be revealed soon.....patience my young padawan.The force will be revealed to you soon.......

Until then, adios, and in my upcoming posts I'll be less academic and share more on personal or sharings/lessons from my clients (they who shall also not be named).

Comments, inputs and total silence (kidding!) welcomed!! ;)

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