Regina's Note: My prayer and condolences for the families of MH17 #prayforMY17. This blog was written before the incident but was scheduled to be published this weekend. I hope it can provide some lighthearted moments amid this tragedy.
Glückwunsch an Deutschland! (Hope I said this correctly :P If not, blame Google Translate!)
YAY!! GERMANY WON!! I only started to enjoy football late into the game thanks to my husband, who displayed more interest than usual on the rectangular looking object in our living room - an apparatus (yes, the TV) which he only checks out less than 10 times per year.
Here is a picture of us 'showing off' our allegiance the day after Germany won the World Cup. And no, we were not 'lalang sampai menang' (which means not siding with any group until they won :P)....hehe, we supported Netherlands (Go Robben!) as well, and German (Go Muller,Schweinsteiger, Klose!) had shown consistent teamwork from group stage all the way to the finals.
It had been a good weekend, basking in the euphoria of world cup fever and doing Feng Shui consults for two of my friends.
Yes! I've just completed a wonderful 4-day course on Feng Shui in June. Enjoyed the class immensely (despite the throbbing in my head due to 'info overload') and the company of my fellow Feng Shui practitioners - still going strong in Whatssap chat group!!
It's been a while since my last blog, as I went into a 'valley-like' mild depression status post my wonderful trip to Europe. I had to sort things out, emotionally and mentally, over these past two months on a couple of issues, including whether I should continue pursuing my interest in metaphysics, hence the 'blog silence'. Incidentally, I used the 'law of attraction' or those familiar with 'Qi Men', my 'Chief star' to check my life direction, and the 'Universe' answered back :) It came in forms of unexpected conversations, thank you messages from past clients and strong friend's support - it does help to have friends who are also passionately pursuing the same interest. Thank you if you happen to read this blog, and hope you know who you are :)
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Snap shots from our euro trip :) |
Ok, back to Feng Shui :) I was surprised by how much I enjoyed learning about Feng Shui. Initially, I was intensely curious to study life charts (or BaZi reading - go Google up BaZi :)) but Feng Shui appealed to me in many ways. For instance, many Feng Shui taboos which have been shared by well-meaning family, friends and relatives turned out to be false! I felt I was in a 'Ripley, Believe it or Not - myth debunked!' class.
Coming back to what happened last weekend, I decided to follow up on two friends offer's to read their house. I also scheduled a Feng Shui excursion with a few good friends - whereupon the only excursion was to e-gate (a nearby popular eating place) as we talked, learned and shared for many hours in my house! Hence, we will save our real 'excursion' trip for another day :) Great fun!!
During my conversation with friends, I shared briefly about the 'Death and Emptiness' line. You can read the article here by Henry Fong which sums up pretty well what it means. Death and Emptiness or DE is a calculation of the cardinal lines & degree of the earth axis. Houses facing the directions of 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° will be subjected to 'merciless' Qi (Energy), and occupants will face difficulties or challenges in fortunes, health, relationships, etc. This became one of two favorite 'taboo-like' topics during class (the other is known as 8 killings, but more on that later).
Trivia: There is a shopping mall (fairly new) in Kuala Lumpur/Selangor area which is situated directly in the 'Death and Emptiness' sector. When business got really bad, they called in our sifu, Dato Joey for help and currently the place is doing really well. You may ask, how did he do it? Ah, more on that later - future blogs :)
I truly did not expect that I would have a 'live' encounter with a property which may fall into the the 'Death and Emptiness' (DE) category. A friend of mine was interested to purchase a house in an area near Bayan Lepas, Penang (actual location will not be disclosed to protect my life and my friend's life from the seller :P). He asked if I could do a quick Feng Shui survey of the area. As I arrived at the area, the first thing that struck me was the number of 'For sale/rent' signs at the housing area. There were some new developments within the vicinity, but these houses have been on the market for 3 years. Although I was not able to do the proper and exact reading, I was able to get a general reading and observed that the houses were facing W2, which in the luo pan read at 270 degrees reading - aka Death and Emptiness line. One may argue that to get the exact reading would produce a slightly different result, however a difference of a few degrees while technically is ok, I would not recommend as it's too close for comfort.
Talking about readings, let me introduce my fellow assistant - I call it my 'baby' luo pan (no, it's not a fruit), measuring 4" x 4"
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Luo Pan (Feng Shui Compass) |
I shared my findings with my friend, including other observation which needs to be considered in Feng Shui; land forms like mountains, 'Sha' or Killing Qi (Energy) and presence of surrounding buildings. I also found out from him that the property price has not increased that much, when compared with other properties around the area. Hence, I hope that my findings would help him make a better decision on whether to proceed with the house purchase.
This friend also ask me if there is any concern to stay near places of worship (e.g temples), graves or hospitals. My response to him was not to worry :) Places of worship have 'yin' nature and environment, which means it's a place where people go to seek tranquility and blessing. Thus, the qi or energy level may not be balanced but it should not be an issue for occupants living nearby. As for graves, which falls under another powerful study of Feng Shui whereby descendants will receive both good or bad Qi- the qi would have been absorbed by the bones (yeah, creepy right). So you can stay near but receive no Qi. Hospitals is also of no concern, except for the ever prevailing siren noise....hmm, which can also be a Sha or Killing Qi given the constant noise.
For my other friend, I had a very good 'feeling' (cue the 'Feelings' song by Morris Albert) the moment I step into the vicinity of his condominium and his unit specifically. The area was nicely surrounded by land forms of small hills and mountains, providing a sense of peace and quiet environment. As I referred to my trusty luo pan and checked the facing direction, I was pleased to see the formation of good flying stars (Feng Shui formula) in the center of his house. Incidentally, my friend has the tarot soul card 'High Priestess' (no, don't think funny thoughts ya) and is highly intuitive as well. He himself felt a good vibe and would often spend time in the areas which had good stars. I advised him to place a nice water feature in the center of his house to be ready to 'collect' the qi as it 'enters' his unit. Interestingly, my advice contradicts with his other friend's advice (also a Feng Shui practitioner from a different Master). I told him the only way to find out is to 'activate' the area on a good day, and see if any good or bad things happen to him. Worse case, he gets a bad flu or a sprain, if I'm wrong (I hope not!).
So ends a chapter of flying stars, graveyards and Sha Qi.
Stay tuned for upcoming stories on tarot soul cards and Feng Shui land forms.
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