Friday, April 4, 2014

What is the 'mind'? Who is the 'self'? How big is the 'ego'? Regina is on a quest to find out....

Hello everyone! Happy weekend! 

Been a while since my last blog as I've been busy with my day job...which lately also became my night and weekend job. :P You get the point! In fact, last night, I was dreaming about what emails I needed to send that when I woke up this Sat morning my fingers were itching for my 'work' laptop!! I'm now in my parent's home in Kuala Lumpur, approximately 350km away from my 'work' laptop. Yeah!! You know you're thinking about work too much when your husband reminds you about your wedding@couple anniversary. I can't believe I almost missed it! Oh, and my husband still owes me a 'very expensive gift' which he had pledged (during our wedding) to give every year....but he was kinda forced to say it by my cheeky lady friends, haha :)

Ok, now back to the title at hand....I'm pretty sure when you click to read my blog, you're not here to listen to my ramblings....but just in case you say 'ohmygosh, that sounds like me, and is it April already? Gasp!' - time for a break ya. 

I was glad when one of my Tarot group friends, Jay, rang up a few days ago and asked for a practice session. We recently learned 2 new spreads and haven't had the chance to practice. In fact, Jay is wayyyy busier than I am; both of us looked tired and stressed out (if he's reading this, Jay, remember to take a break :)), but we had great fun with the Tarot spreads :) In fact, we had people who crowded around our table, drawn by curiosity and one was game enough to have his cards read by yours 'fumbling' truly. After all, my fingers spent more time writing emails lately vs reading tarot spreads.

Here is a sneak preview of how a tarot spread looks like. 

This is a 'relationship' reading spread. And no, it's not just about boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, it can also be about your relationship with your client, your boss, your co-worker, your parent, etc. This is my spread and you can see that the left side spread looks bright and yellow, while the right side spread looks a little dark with 'fighting' pictures. Left is how I view the other person (quite positive), right is, er...ho hum, how the other person view me. You can say I felt a stab in my 'ego' after seeing this....I thought I did the right thing with this person by being open about some awkward issues I've seen. Jay, who was reading my spread, advised me not to be too strong-headed which could be due to me wanting to make things right the way I (capital I) want it...yup, that's my ego talking.

As I reflect on this, I link it back to a talk I recently attended by a well known Rinpoche; His Eminence Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche. He had directed the movie 'The Cup'

He spoke about the 'first' education that we must educate our children; the first word, the first page in their text book, is about educating them about their 'self' and their 'mind'. Our modern education, or any form of education, according to rinpoche, is in a way, a form of brainwashing. It is important to have a teacher or parents with high values and good integrity, because he/she will be doing the 'brainwashing'. If the 'mind' is not strong, there is no filter, so whatever comes in is accepted. Reflect a bit about this.......but then, you may ask me, how is this related to 'ego'?

For those who may have heard of Tony Robbins, he spoke about a 'Belief table'.
What he meant to say, is that whatever beliefs you currently have, it's been conditioned in you since young - depending on where you grew up, who your parents are, who were your friends, what you read/saw/learn when you're a child..and the list goes on. If you had a belief, for example, that rich people are mean and greedy? This could be due to all the factors that shape your beliefs (see the table legs in pic above). For me, that is a belief that still holds true for me, believe it a not. I try to keep rationalizing it to myself, as my logical brain would tell me 'That's ridiculous!', but my heart & mind will still have this nagging sensation whenever I meet a person who is wealthy. Despite attending so many seminars on personal mastery, I still have this in me. Why? Because of the environment I grew up in (parents were struggling financially), events (some of our rich relatives were not very friendly, but as a kid, I was easily 'brainwashed' to equate 'not friendly' = 'meany'), and I think watching HK drama series as a kid wasn't helping either. So does this help me to aspire to be financially secure? Most likely not.....Why? Because how can I aspire to be someone that I dislike? Get it? (wink!)

So why is this important? Because, part of our ego is shaped by our belief systems. If you do not question yourself (with a child-like curiosity) on what is a 'mind' and 'self', you may think that you don't have an ego. Isn't it true that no one likes criticism? But ask yourself, are all your opinions, all your thoughts, all your ideas, a fact or just a story? 

My husband, who is a very nice guy and has high ambitions, often doubts himself. And he may not agree with me, but he holds his father as a strong role model - in fact, his father is doing quite successfully in both career and finance. His role models have a strong influence on his belief systems.Whenever we have an argument about an opinion, he would often refer to his father or someone he looks up to as a reference point which often frustrates me. If I want to go shopping, for example, he would advice me to be as frugal as Warren Buffet. He does this sub-consciously that we even have an argument about it! I keep trying to tell him that it's HIS perception of what THEY think...but is he right? Are they always right? But then again, me wanting to be right is also, alas, my ego talking again.

Ok....that's all for today. Hope this topic helps to provide you with some insights. Also, my fingers are giving me strong hints that I need to give them a break....and I think I deserve that RM128++ spa package this weekend!!

Happy weekend everyone!

And, I just want to add that my thoughts and prayers are still with the families, passengers and crew of MH370. I do hope that our wish to find the plane will soon be fulfilled. 

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