Saturday, August 16, 2014

Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself - Charlie Chaplin

Good day folks! First, a big THANK YOU to my readers out there :) Secondly, a big kudos for reading my last blog entry till the end, as I was told by some it was pretty long…hehe (mischievous laughter). I tend to write based on what I feel inspired at that moment, and I feel that by 'cutting' my stories to a few parts and publishing in several sequences may result in the reader not connecting with the flow. But that's just me, and I will be mindful to keep it to a reasonable length, which according to other blog writers, is about 550 to 1000 words. Whew! Ok, challenge accepted :) By the end of this paragraph, I’ve used up 120 words!

It’s been interesting for me to observe reactions from family and friends who knew me before I started this conquest on learning everything about metaphysics! On a whim, I forwarded my blog link to those who are not heavy FB users (bless them!) and the next time they bump into me, they would give me the queer eye and asked me when did I get myself into this? I wonder if their reaction was due to the mere thought of how strange that someone like me would be doing something like this. I have to admit that if someone told me just 3 years back, that I’ll be doing what I’m doing now, I’ll also be giving that person the ‘queer eye’.

However, as I started to learn about tarot, palmistry, BaZi, face reading and Feng Shui, I was surprised to see the connection and timing which led to my current path. All had signs that I would dabble in the strange yet humbling world of metaphysics. But all are just signs, and the mastery of each of these studies requires perseverance, discipline, openness, confidence and even timing.

For all this traits, I admit that I have problems in all areas, especially on discipline, openness and confidence. On openness, I claim to be ‘open’ but yet retreat to a ‘that’s not true!’ shell when someone gives me a constructive feedback. Yup, still a loooong journey for me on that one! But no excuses!! On the other part of openness, I recently started to explore learning from Western and Hindu teachers in the art of metaphysics. It ‘tickled’ my brain just by interpreting the lessons and teachings from these teachers. I would say that their thought-processes provided a different yet similar filter or interpretation on the various arts of metaphysics.

It’s an interesting revelation for me, although it should have been duh! obvious to me from the start to consider exploring various teachings of the same subject and from there, find out which one I connect to the most. One of the great teachers in my religious beliefs often preached to us that we should be curiously hungry to explore all kinds of religious belief before settling down on a chosen religion. We would nod our head with agreement, and yet most, if any would follow his advice. In my current day job, where I am responsible for building a leadership program, the senior leaders would also preach the same advice to future leaders – be hungry for information, don’t worry about winning the game, learn and enjoy the process along the way and build new perspectives for a stronger mindset.

As I ponder about this, I consider The Fool card (pic below) from the Tarot deck.

Although I LOL when I saw this version of The Fool card:

An interpretation of the card is as follows (excerpt from Biddy Tarot):

“The Fool is a card of potential, new beginnings and innocence. It represents the beginning of all creativity and a desire to accomplish new goals. The Fool represents the need to set forth on a new journey, one that is completely unknown and will take you to uncharted territories. This is all about new experiences, personal growth, development and adventure. The Fool asks you to take a ‘leap of faith’ and to trust in the Universe in that if you begin a new journey, you will find success.”

The Fool is numbered 0, and does not have a specific place in the sequence of Tarot cards. 0 also means unlimited potential, signifying new beginnings, innocence, spontaneity and a free spirit. What this means to me is that in any point of your life (even if you’re 79 years old!), it is ok to start from 0 and know that you are discovering a new YOU that you have not discovered before.

As I end this blog, I would like to invite you to reflect on where you are now in life (hmm, I seem to be doing this for a couple of blogs) – have you accepted that this is all life has to offer you (job, home, etc), or are you hungry for more? As the late Steve Jobs used to say – Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. To my well meaning family and friends who are worried about my sanity in dabbling with the world of metaphyscis, just know that I’m like The Fool, hungry for new adventures and feeling a little foolish (in a good way) of what may come.

Have a great weekend!

Ps: On a side note, I completed this blog in less than 900 words. Yay!

Pss: On another side note, a big THANK YOU to my husband for offering free proof-reading services for my blogs 

Regina Ong has always considered herself a normal 9 to 5 working gal until she 'stumbled' upon the exciting yet quirky world of metaphysics. She is currently learning and providing consultations in areas of Classical Feng Shui, Tarot reading, BaZi life chart reading, palmistry and occasional face reading. She is still debating if she has enough 'brain room' to learn coffee & tea leaf reading (Note: Not related to Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Cafes :P). 

Besides being a practitioner of metaphysics, she has great interest in facilitation (an art of weaving organic thoughts or discussions) and other weird stuff (e.g figuring out what people search on Google).

The last time she was this 'weird' was when she started collecting minion figurines, even the ones from McDonalds. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

In awe of ancient teachings and gratitude for passing on this teachings to help others

Hello everyone! I know, I know...the title sounds utterly boring and long. :) However, I was compelled to write this after meeting a friend whom I did a BaZi life chart consultation a few months back. Back then, one of the key areas I brought up for her was that she would be entering a period of change soon which would be beneficial for her and require some form of travel. She was doubtful at first, given she had not thought to change her career path. Recently, she invited me out for lunch to share with me that yes, she had just recently taken on an interesting career opportunity which would require her to travel almost every quarter and its aligned to her career path. I'm very happy for her, as I can see more conviction and confidence in her voice on where she wants to progress in her career, compared to before. I'm also humbled she is one of a few, not many, but a number of folks who had personal breakthrough stories of how the BaZi life chart or tarot reading had came true for them and 'open' their eyes to possibilities they were never aware of. I am humbled because I'm a mere messenger of this great teachings, regardless of its origins or the skepticism that naturally occurs for some people . However, the more opportunity I have to learn this knowledge, the more aware I am of its power; as Peter Parker's uncle once said "With great power, comes great responsibilities". 

Uncle Ben having a heart-to-heart talk with Peter Parker
(Source: Spider Man movies)

Still, it is really wonderful to hear these stories from my friends, and as our sifu Dato Joey Yap once said, "I am not in a metaphysics business but in a 'Life Transformation' business!"

Some friends have asked me if it made sense for me to be learning so many forms of metaphysics studies. It can be overwhelming, but the knowledge I have on several of the field, which includes BaZi, Feng Shui, Tarot, Qi Men, Face Reading and Palmistry (Whew!), does help me to provide a more holistic consultation to my friends or clients. I just found out there is a terminology for this (No, it's not 'Jack of all Trades'). I'm a multi-modality practitioner, consultant and coach. However, I'm at different levels for each of these fields and it requires a lot of confidence, faith and support from a community of friends who are as eager to learn as you are! A shout of thanks to these friends of mine, you know who you are!!

Metaphysics enthusiast, enjoying coffee and each others company
In fact, all this knowledge had helped me to understand myself better and not take life too seriously (a trait I can claim to have PHD certification :)). Besides all of this, it is also my religious beliefs which has helped me to challenge my 'superficial' core values or filters and helped me answer the all important question 'Why am I here?'. But I digress....I'm not here to preach about religion, but rather to encourage you (the reader) to allow yourself to trust in whatever the 'universe' has in store for you, be it good or bad. It's easy to get caught up in our daily hectic lives and assume that we're here to earn a living, pay bills, build a family, support the community, etc....and forget to take a breather and just ask a simple question 'Do I really know why am I here?' Our time here on earth is just a 'blip', and the recent tragedy of MH17 and MH370 proves that life is precious. So don't spend most of your energy complaining about this, bitching about that (yours truly still does it. sigh), in fact take time to reflect on what value you bring to others and let the 'self' (your ego) take a backseat once in a while. 

Ok, I'm getting all philosophical and I can just imagine some of you scratching your heads and having a blank stare. Or worse, rolling your eyes. Yup, caught you doing it with my 'hidden camera'! (Kidding!)

Bart isn't impressed

Where I'm getting at is that I was a bundle of 'nervous energy' (a term I learnt from palmistry readings) and it was due to me expecting a perfect life, perfect job, etc. I have a super high expectation on myself, that (you guess it right) I often fall short of it and punish myself needlessly.

In my previous post, I kinda sound like a desperate person offering free or cheap readings (and only 1 taker! Aiks!), but that's not what I wanted to do. My invitation to you, dear readers ;), is for you to reflect and ask yourself, are you in that point of your life right now where you need some guidance, and you're open to let the 'universe' reveal its answer to you (sorry, subtle marketing here), send me a note and I'll help you find out. If not, check out this incredible speech by Steve Jobs and prepare for your 2015 new years resolution.

Before I end, let me share a little bit about palmistry readings. If you take a look at your hand right now, you should clearly see three distinct lines featured on your palm. They are what we know as head, heart and life line (refer pic below). These 3 major lines are formed since you were 8 weeks old in your mother's womb. This is not a myth and has been proven by science. The lines on your palm tells a story of who you are and your 'hidden' potential; are you full of energy, creativity? Or are you an emotional person, or a person who resents living? Do you have a gift of telling stories, enjoys a 'materialistic' life, have great ambition or have a stubborn mind? Why is it important to know this? You may argue that it's something you're already aware of, but what you may not be aware is that the lines may have subtle changes (e.g signs of upcoming fortune or ill health) due to present actions. The future is not certain, as the lines tell you of a potential story line; the story of your life. You have a chance to make use of what is good, take knowledge of what you can improve vs leaving it to 'fate'. 

Source: Cheiro, Palmistry for All

Besides reading the lines, we can tell the personalities and character of a person just by observing their palm, the ruggedness or softness of its feel, the shape of the fingers and most important, the feature of the thumb. Great leaders that we know of will have a strong, big or long and firm thumb. Check out the shape of Nelson Mandela's thumb (See pic below), notice that it seems a little bit bigger in ratio with his palm? . A large well-made thumb is an outward and visible sign of a strong-willed, determined person, be he man or woman (excerpt from Cheiro: Palmistry for All)

The late Nelson Mandela
Ok, I better end my blog soon or you'll start yawning! I guess I'm trying to make up for the super short blog I wrote last week!

Upcoming blogs will include Tarot, Indian Feng Shui (Vasthu Sastra), Classical Feng Shui, something called Qi Men (super powerful ancient art) and more personal breakthrough stories from myself, friends and clients.

Btw, remember this friend I mentioned at the beginning of this blog? Well, she said I should consider a side career as a journalist or writer for metaphysics studies. Sounds intriguing. Er, any editors out there willing to hire me part-time? Although, I really need to polish up my grammar by reading all the English literature I was 'forced' to read back in school. 

Have a great weekend, folks!

Regina Ong has always considered herself a normal 9 to 5 working gal until she 'stumbled' upon the exciting yet quirky world of metaphysics. She is currently learning and providing consultations in areas of Classical Feng Shui, Tarot reading, BaZi life chart reading, palmistry and occasional face reading. She is still debating if she has enough 'brain room' to learn coffee & tea leaf reading (Note: Not related to Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Cafes :P). 

Besides being a practitioner of metaphysics, she has great interest in facilitation (an art of weaving organic thoughts or discussions) and other weird stuff (e.g figuring out what people search on Google).

The last time she was this 'weird' was when she was a Star Wars fan at age 13 and had a weird habit of watching the Star Wars movies every week. Still, she's glad there will be a new Star Wars movie (Go JJ Abrams!), and 'secretly' wishes to own a lightsaber one day.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Did you know that mountains have 'character' and 'personality traits'? This character defines what kind of Qi Energy they hold

Great Sunday everyone! To my muslim friends, hope you had a great time with your family and friends during the Raya celebrations!!

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to muslim friends!

I also want to thank my readers out there for helping me achieve my highest 'blog view' for my last post! (Clap!Clap!Clap!) - ~60+ views!...either that or I've increased the number of FB friends...can't recall :P

Thank you for the support and feedback from my friends! Your support keeps me going and I hope to add a little fun + value to my readers via my blogs. 

Today I'll talk a little about Qi and land forms. I kept mentioning it here and there in my past blogs, without realizing my 'metaphysics' vocab may not be clearly understood by all (Regina slaps her forehead!)

Qi, according to Mr Wiki, is what we believe to be the life force or flow of energy that governs every living being and the surrounding environment or universe. Interestingly, when I 'googled' Qi energy,most of the links are related to Chinese health or Yoga articles.
 Many skeptics may not agree that Qi exists, but then ask yourself, do you agree the mind exist? If yes, point to it. Ah, nope, it's not your brain or your skull. So yeah, you can't see it, but we do agree that the mind exists. Same for Qi...although it may take a little bit of faith and experience to believe its existence.

According to Feng Shui studies, we believe that Qi is 'stored' at mountains or hills and it's energy can be felt by residence who live within the vicinity. For those who may recall, I mentioned that there are five elements in the studies of Chinese metaphysics; Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal & Water. The mountains, also reflect the shape and 'characteristics' of these five elements.

For example, check out the mountain formation below. You will notice two 'points' in the mountain ranges.It has a slight curve formation as if replicating the tip of a strong fire. In between the two 'points' the formation of other mountains or hills are not clear, hence they are of the water element. What you're looking at is a combination of both Fire and Water element formation.

Same mountain range, different view - Fire element

Fire mountain is the most powerful of the five elements. Also, it usually represents spirituality and it is common to find temples or religious places within the area. 

Bujang Valley

Interestingly, at the foothills of this mountain range is the Bujang Valley which contains ruins of ancient tomb temples from the Hindu-Buddhist religion, dating back to 2000 years ago. 

Here is another place of great spiritual practice....recognize the mountain formation?

Tibet Potala Palace

That's all for today's post! You've just learn how to spot a Fire Mountain. Yay!!! Haha :) That was how I felt when I started to see mountains equipped with knowledge of the five elements; it gives them a character and personality, and a sense of awe that these mountains have been here million of years ago.  

On a side note, you may asked why I decided to feature Bujang Valley. It was part of our impromptu holiday during the raya break when we decided to sight see around Sungai Petani and Alor Setar area. I spotted the mountain formation along the highway and was curious as to what was nearby. I think my new profession will be 'mountain stalker', which also means I will soon become a 'water formation' inspector :P

Oh yes, and not forgetting (although this is not a food blog - but I can't help it!), as part of our spontaneous trip, we found this yummy-licious bowl of lemon keow teow soup at Sungai Petani. 

However, for my fellow Penang/Malaysian folks, fret not as a friend recommended a place at Raja Uda which is famous for selling this delicacy, which sells out by 9am (Hmmm, I must go and study the 'Feng Shui' of the hawker stall)

Here are the exact coordinates for the Raja Uda Lemon Keow Teow Soup (Slurp!Slurp!)

Ok, back to Feng Shui (Keow Teow, anyone?) Hehe.... I have many stories to share, not only on Feng Shui but on Tarot, BaZi and my new found love, Palmistry! (More on that, i promise :))

I invite curious and eager friends, families, relatives, yet-to-be friends, FB friends to send me a note if you would like me to do a Feng Shui, Tarot or Palmistry reading for you. All I ask in return - please give me feedback (not too strong- I'm still a delicate Yin Metal person ;)) to help me become a better consultant and a better blogger. 

Till the next blog posts!...